Scheduling as you can imagine can be a complicated thing for our volunteer zone reps. Some years some schedules are easier or more difficult to do. Zone reps take into account factors like renovations to gyms, home and away game balance, fielding of scheduling questions with individual schools, and communication with contacts from each school via email. They work hard to get the schedule out for the season, hosts for Playdays, and schedules for Playdays in their zone.
The Surrey Elementary Volleyball Season is 5 weeks long. It runs every Wednesday and Thursday starting October 23rd and 24th respectively. The season concludes November 21st and November 22nd, 2012. Celebration Playday Tournaments will occur during the week of November 26th to November 30th.
As Zone schedules are made available they will be emailed to team contacts by the zone rep and added to the Volleyball Schedule Link on our website. At this moment you'll see the Central and East Zone Schedules posted.
Any questions regarding rules and ribbons can be forwarded to Volleyball Convenor Jennifer Tarnowski.