seas_2012-2013_calendar1.pdf |
Please click the link below for the complete pdf file of the Surrey Elementary Athletics Society Calendar for all our sports seasons. Please consider sharing with your office staff and all coaches and potential coaches. Thank you again to all the amazing volunteer teacher and administrator coaches in Surrey for helping make these sports possible! You are dedicated, selfless, and awesome!
Welcome to our initial blog post. We are a group of dedicated volunteers located in Surrey, BC, Canada. We communicate, co-ordinate, and work with coaches to foster an environment of participation, enjoyment, and improved skill in a variety of sports in Surrey (SD#36), British Columbia Elementary Schools. Students in our district enjoy soccer, cross-country, volleyball, basketball, badminton, ultimate, and track & field sport seasons. The sports are primarily coached by Surrey Elementary teacher, principal, and vice-principal volunteers.
The purpose of this blog is to provide insight into our leagues, philosophies, rules, students, executive, convenors, zone reps, and coaches. This blog in time will hopefully see guest posts done by a variety of volunteers within and possibly outside our school district. They will give insight on their experiences and expertise relating to student athletics inside and outside of SD#36. Please be patient with us as this is blog is a new venture for us. If you would like to write a blog post on a topic related above please contact blog moderators Hugh McDonald, SEAS President or Kerry Schwab, SEAS Publicity at [email protected] or [email protected] or on twitter at @seas_sd36 Thank you for checking in and we look forward to learning and sharing more! Tweet Hugh McDonald Grade 7 Teacher SEAS President, Coach, & Basketball Co-convenor |
@sesaa_sd36Follow us on Twitter Archives
September 2020